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Activities Meritz Financial Group is striving to realize sustainable growth to internalize ESG-oriented management.

  • Work-life balance

    Meritz Fire&Marine
    • Family-friendly company certification (Ministry of Gender Equality and Family)
    • Leisure-friendly company certification (Ministry of Culture, Sorts and Tourism)
  • Publication of Sustainable Management Report

    Meritz Securities
    • Published since 2017
  • Social contribution activities

    Meritz Fire&Marine
    • One company, one school Financial education
    • Sponsorship of the underprivileged by region (10 local governments)
    • Support project for treatment of patients with intractable diseases in low-income households
  • ESG business investment

    Meritz Securities
    • 2.8 trillion won financial aid plans for Green New Deal policy by 2025
    • Support for the development of new technologies for SMEs (473.4 billion investment)
  • ESG financial instruments

    Meritz Fire&Marine
    • Storm and flood damage insurance
    • Eco-friendly Auto insurance
      (mileage linkage discount, Support for using eco-green recycling parts, etc)
    • Disability insurance
    Meritz Securities
    • First in Korea to launch CER (Certified Emission Reductions) related Exchange Traded Fund
    • Renewable energy and clean energy investment products (14 Funds)