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Kim Yong Beom Directors
Name Kim Yong Beom
Birth 1963. 01
Appointed Date 2023. 03. 17
End of term 2026 Annual meeting of Shareholders
  • CEO of Meritz Securities
  • CEO of Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance
  • CEO of Meritz Financial Group (Present)
Cho Jung Ho Directors
Name Cho Jung Ho
Birth 1958. 10
Appointed Date 2024.03.22
End of term 2027 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
  • Chairman of Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance
  • Chairman of Meritz Securities
  • Chairman of Meritz Financial Group (Present)

Outside Directors

Lee Sang Hun Outside Directors
Name Lee Sang Hun
Birth 1959. 11
Appointed Date 2024.03.22
End of term 2026 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
  • Chief prosecuting attorney of Seoul Central District Court
  • Senior staff attorney of Samwoo Law Firm (Present)
Ahn Dong Hyun Outside Directors
Name Ahn Dong Hyun
Birth 1964. 03
Appointed Date 2024.03.22
End of term 2026 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
  • President of KCMI
  • Professor of Seoul University (Present)
Jo Hong Hee Outside Directors
Name Jo Hong Hee
Birth 1959. 07
Appointed Date 2024.03.22
End of term 2026 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
  • President of Seoul Reginal Tax Office
  • Advisor of BKL Law Firm (Present)
Kim Myung Ae Outside Directors
Name Kim Myung Ae
Birth 1967. 09
Appointed Date 2023. 03. 17
End of term 2025 Annual meeting of Shareholders
  • Research Professor, Department of Finance, Soongsil University
  • Glocal Campus Business Administration Professor, Konkuk University