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Key ESG Performance

ESG Evaluation

Evaluation agency : KCGS

ESG Evaluation
Category Meritz
Financial Group
Fire & Marine Insurance

* 2023 MFG ESG ratings : Environment(B), Social(A), Governance(B+)

Awards and certifications

  • Ministry of Gender Equality and Family's 'Family-Friendly Enterprise' certification (2022.12~2025.11)
  • Asia Today Financial Awards Best Customer Satisfaction Award in the Insurance Sector
  • The 27th Herald Insurance Awards Customer Satisfaction Awards
  • Ajou Economic Co., Ltd. [2022 Financial Securities Awards] won the Grand Prize
  • Seoul Economic True Insurers Award for Excellence in "Insurance Fraud Prevention and Investigation"
  • The 6th Hankyung Fintech Awards won the Grand Prize in "Service/Insurance"
  • The 26th Herald Economic Insurance Awards won the Financial Supervisory Service President's Award
  • The 10th MTN 100 Years Old Finance Awards Silver Award
  • Maeil Economy [2021 Maekyung Securities Awards] Won the Corporate Finance Award
  • Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism certified as a 'leisure-friendly company' (2020.12~2023.12)
  • One company from the Financial Supervisory Service won the Financial Supervisory Service President's Award for Financial Education
  • Seoul Economic True Insurers Award for Excellence in Sales
  • Maeil Economy [2020 Maekyung Securities Awards] Corporate Finance Gold Award