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Governance Meritz Financial Group is strengthening its governance structure by operating a sound board of directors, protecting shareholder rights,
strengthening internal control, and risk management.

  • Sound management
    of the board of
    • Securing Board Independence
    • Strengthen Board Expertise
    • Gain board diversity
  • Protection of
    shareholder rights

    • Pre-announcement of shareholders' Meeting
    • Introduction of Electronic Voting System
    • Voting rights proxy exercise recommendation
  • Strengthening
    internal control

    • Raising ethical awareness of executives and employees
    • Establishment of a compliance management system
    • Operation of Insider Reporting System
  • Risk

    • Establishing and operating risk management strategies
    • Organize an efficient risk management framework
    • Establishment and operation of tax processing standards
Meritz Financial Group converted Meritz Fire & Marine Insurance and
Meritz Securities into full subsidiaries of Meritz Financial Group in 2023 under
the principle that "The value of one major shareholder and one general
shareholder is equal"

We will continue to do our best to create an advanced governance
structure that puts shareholder interests first.

Major shareholder

Meritz Financial Group Major shareholder the stake before the stock exchange75.8% Major shareholder the stake after the stock exchange47.0%

  • Meritz file & Marine Insurance Meritz Financial Group the stake before the stock exchange60.89% Meritz Financial Group the stake after the stock exchange100%

    • Meritz KORINDO Insurance Meritz file & Marine Insurance share51.0%

  • Meritz Securities Meritz Financial Group the stake before the stock exchange53.39% Meritz Financial Group the stake after the stock exchange100%

    • Meritz Capital Meritz Securities share100%

  • Meritz Alternative Investment Management Meritz Financial Group share100%

* The stake before the stock exchange is as of Dec 31st 2022

** The Group completed a comprehensive stock exchange on February 1st, 2023 for Meritz F&M and April 5th, 2023 for Meritz Securities.