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Environment Meritz Financial Group aims for sustainable environmental management and practices environmental social responsibility.

  • Eco-friendly risk

    • Pursuing the Ideology of Environmental Management
    • Eco-friendly risk management
  • Advancement of
    • Establishment and implementation of environmentally conscious management services
  • Energy

    • Check energy usage
    • Efficient energy use management
  • Environmental

    • Environmental management activities management
    • Environmental and energy compliance

Environmental management organization

  • Environmental management is handled by IR team.
  • The organization is responsible for implementing and managing supporting environmental management strategies and management policies.

Environmental management policy

Meritz Financial Group recognizes the value of responding to climate change and establishes an environmental management system to minimize the impact of corporate business activities on the environment and to promote environmentally friendly corporate management through continuous environmental improvement.

  • We carry out continuous improvement activities through establishment of an efficient environmental management system and periodic monitoring.
  • For efficient management of environmental performance, environmental goals are established and environmental management promotion plans are implemented.
  • We strive to minimize the emission of environmental pollutants and use resources and energy efficiently.
  • We raise environmental awareness among all executives and employees and contribute to society from an environmental conservation activities from an environmentally friendly perspective, compliance with environmental laws, and daily practice of responding to the climate crisis.
  • We facilitate information sharing and utilization of environmental policies with stakeholders and ensure transparency in environmental management through achievement and verification of environmental management policies.
  • All executives and employees faithfully and actively fulfill their assigned roles and responsibilities to maximize the effectiveness of the environmental management system.

Environmental Performance Disclosure

  • Meritz Financial Group discloses environmental performance information such as water and energy usage and waste emissions at its workplace.