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Social Meritz Financial Group practices social responsibility, aiming for human rights protection,
respect for diversity, increased public interests, labor, and mutual cooperation.

  • Human rights

    • Establishing a human rights policy for directors and employees
    • Human rights protection training for directors and employees
    • The enactment of the Declaration of Human Rights
  • Protection of
    consumer rights
    and interests
    • Financial Consumer Protection
    • Pursuing customer satisfaction
    • Customer Information Protection
  • Labor and Mutual

    • Build mutual labor relations
    • Establishment of Safety and Health Management System
    • Maternal protection and childcare support
  • Social

    • Support for the development of new technologies for SMEs
    • Support for the vulnerable
    • Operation of educational support programs

Human Rights Declaration

Meritz Securities puts into practice human rights management, which contains the decision-making criteria and behavioral principles where ethical value is reflected to faithfully fulfill the corporate social responsibilities and pursue healthy growth with all stakeholders. We advocate the human rights principles proposed by the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights and corporate and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, protect the human rights of all stakeholders, and prevent human rights from being infringed as follows:

Human rights of employees

  • We prohibit any discrimination based on gender, school affiliation, disability, religion, race, region of origin, etc. and respect diversity.
  • We evaluate and reward employees according to fair criteria and provide an adequate opportunity for self-development to improve work skills.
  • We create safe and clean work environments to protect and maintain the health of employees.
  • We improve work conditions to help employees balance work and life and exhibit their maximum capabilities as much as possible.

Human rights of customers

  • We protect the human rights of those who are vulnerable in terms of financial access by improving accessibility for the disabled and the elderly.
  • We do not take the customers’ gender, age, and religion into consideration when providing financial services.
  • We collect minimal information for our financial services, and customer information is securely managed.
  • We strive to develop and provide the best products and services that satisfy customers and win their trust.

Human rights of shareholders and investors

  • We provide the information required for shareholders and investors accurately and fairly in a timely manner according to related regulations.
  • We secure the transparency of management through the accurate disclosure of accounting data and maintain the trust of shareholders and investors.
  • We strive to increase the value of shareholders and investors through reasonable decision-making and transparent management activities.

Social Performance Disclosure

  • Meritz Financial Group is strengthening human rights protection, diversity, establishment of win-win labor-management relations, etc., and discloses related activities and performance.